MD 2022 Diary - 1Day 1Page - A5
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Midori notebooks enable you to write down your inspirations, anytime and anywhere. Consisting of monthly schedule pages and 385 pages of free space, this diary allows you to chronicle your life in detail 1 day 1 page at a time.
This diary combines a block-type monthly schedule with 385 pages of free space. The free pages are designed to be customized to suit your style. Times from 8:00am to midnight are written down the left hand side so that you can schedule your day, and there is blank space on the right hand side so that you can keep a diary or draw pictures.
This annual diary covers a monthly overview (December 2021 ~ January 2023) over 28 pages, followed by 1 page a day for the same period. A grand total of 415 pages.