Due to COVID-19, delivery networks worldwide are experiencing massive processing/ delivery bottlenecks and unfortunately, this means Australia Post too. 

Here at Desk Bandit, we continue to work to maintain a daily dispatch schedule, but there are significant delays with Australia Post at the moment that we do not have any control over. We understand this can be more frustrating than usual and we really wish there was more we could action on your behalf to expedite your parcel delivery.

What we have learnt however, is that even if your parcel tracking looks to have not left WA after a week, it more than likely already has.

As Australia Post are pushing some of their parcel load onto rail and road network options, the next tracking event will only occur when the receiving depot has scanned it in. 

Thank you so much for your patience and your continued support of our little store. We simply cannot do it without each and every one of you, and of course, please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. 


The following is an update from Australia Post regarding Domestic Parcels


For more info including International delays, please see: Australia Post Coronavirus Delay Updates